Public Question


The HOSC has a responsibility to oversee health provision in the city. So far 10 GP surgeries have closed leaving Brighton and Hove with the lowest ratio of GP to head of population in the South East. The CCG revealed earlier this year (June 2019) the ratio as currently 1 GP: 2526 patients in Brighton and Hove compared to a national average 1:1780.


Currently many people are very concerned about the impact of the proposed closure of Matlock Road surgery. The CCG engagement meeting seemed to dismiss patients concerns in their response. For example, the transfer of patients to Beaconsfield practice affects those who do not drive and do not have a free bus pass. It will cost these people £5 to get 4 buses for a return journey from the Matlock area every time they need to get an appointment at the Beaconsfield practice. Regarding these concerns:-


·         Can the HOSC make representations to the CCG to take on the lease of Matlock Road surgery and rent the premises to GPs who may be interested in taking on the practice?


·         Can the HOSC ask the CCG to attend the next HOSC meeting to present their case for the development of primary care provision over the coming year and how they are going to ensure equality of access to provision in an increasingly unequal primary care landscape?


·         Can the HOSC raise the transport issue with the relevant Council Committee and also raise it with the CCG as it was raised as an important issue at the consultation meeting?


·         How is the Council together with the CCG going to improve the ratio of patients to GPs in the city which will inevitably worsen when Matlock closes and the current GP approaches retirement in Beaconsfield practice?


Liz Williamson